9 Miami Remodeler Mistakes Preventing Business Growth

Grow your Miami remodeling business by avoiding these common mistakes.

At Pulver CPA, we help a lot of clients, and among the many things we have learned is that remodelers and contractors are ALWAYS busy. 

That’s fantastic, but it also means they don’t have the necessary time to grow their business. Fortunately, our experts do. 

We sat down and put together a list of the top nine mistakes remodelers make that prevent them from expanding their businesses.

Checkout these common mistakes and tips on how to correct them to make your Miami contractor business more profitable and scalable. 

#1 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Not Defining Your Ideal Customer

We know you want to try to get as many customers as you can and keep money flowing through the door. However, trying to help everyone can prevent you from doing great work and instead settling for good enough. 

To perform great work, you need to focus on the type of customer you want to work with. Who’s needs can you best fulfill? What projects are you passionate about? What are you best at? What type of customer will help you be profitable? 

Once you outline your ideal customer, you then must focus your marketing engine toward that target audience. Target them with all your ads, website messaging, and social media posts. 

When doing this, you are then purposely ignoring other types of customers. This can feel scary at first – but it’s essential to allow you to perform your best work. By focusing on a specific type of customer, you then have the time to understand their needs, mindsets, and the value you provide to them. 

#2 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Trying to Do Your Bookkeeping& Accounting

Another common mistake we see with remodeling companies is trying to do your bookkeepingaccounting, and taxes. While you might think you’re saving money by not hiring an in-house accountant or an outsourced accounting firm, you could be costing yourself money. 

First, your time is valuable. Every hour you spend on your books and payroll is an hour you’re not growing your business. 

Secondly, you could be making costly mistakes. You could be committing errors in your books and missing out on key tax reductions. It’s essential to get these cleaned up by a professional.

An outsourced accounting firm – like Pulver CPA – uses our tax, accounting, and bookkeeping expertise to keep your books accurate and compliant. Then, while we’re handling your finances, you can focus on what you’re good at – running and growing your business.

#3 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Not Focusing on Sales, Marketing & Production

When determining where to invest in your Miami remodeling business there is a temptation to put the money into a bigger building or hire more staff. However, you’re missing an opportunity. Before adding more headcount, you should put money into sales, marketing, and production. These actions will help you build your business, attract new customers, and build your brand. 

#4 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Settling for a Reactive Tax Accountant

If you have a tax accountant who tells you after you file your taxes (and are facing a hefty bill) what you could have done differently to reduce your taxes, you need a new accountant. 

To lower your taxes, it’s essential to make tax-reduction steps throughout the year. Proper planning can help you submit taxes regularly and make key decisions to lower the taxes you owe before the end of the year -- when it’s too late. 

Our Miami tax experts at Pulver CPA work with our clients all year to make key, proactive decisions to ensure you never overpay a dime in taxes. 

#5 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Not Establishing Trust &Credibility

When trying to attract new customers, it’s easy to say a lot of good things about your work and your company on your website, in flyers, on calls, and on your social media profiles. However, to gain the trust of your future customers, it’s essential to show it. Prove to them that you do good work. 

Use testimonials from past and current clients, post photos of completed projects, and don’t be afraid to show logos of companies you’ve worked with.  

#6 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Not Using Enough Video

When customers hire a Miami contractor or remodeling company, they want to ensure they are partnering with a trustworthy team. Using video on your website and your social media platforms helps customers get to know you and establish trust before they even hire you. 

#7 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Not Performing Enough In-Person, Front-End Activities

It can be really easy to sit back and let digital ads go to work for you, especially when you’re busy. However, there are advantages to making calls to potential customers, attending networking events, going to tradeshows, and showing up to in-person meetings. These help build relationships with customers, prospects, and partners. 

#8 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Not Investing in Your Website

When you’re busy building homes and remodeling kitchens and backyards, you might not think about building your website. However, this is an essential project. Yes, it can take time – and money – but it’s worth the investment. 

Your website can be the first impression a prospective customer has of your company. If you have an old, clunky, outdated website, it can turn prospects away. It can give off the impression that you use outdated techniques in all of your work. It can also be hard for customers to navigate, preventing them from getting to your lead forms. 

Instead, you should spend the time getting a modern, user-friendly website (like the example shown above). A sleek design can showcase your work and client testimonials, and a user-friendly layout will help drive leads and convert them into customers.

#9 Miami Remodeler Mistake: Not Utilizing Integrated Billing Software

Another common mistake we see contractors in Miami make is not using integrated software that can help with billing, scheduling, routing, communications, and more. Using this software can make daily business and accounting tasks much easier and faster and can help reduce mistakes. 

When determining if you need integrated software – or which type is best for your Miami remodeling business – ask our experts at Pulver CPA. 


Running a remodeling business in Miami can take a lot of time and effort. As you try to make your business more profitable and scalable, it’s essential to hire experts to help. A marketing partner can help attract leads and build your brand awareness, while a trusted outsourced accounting firm – like us at Pulver CPA – can handle your tax, accounting, and bookkeeping needs.